Friday, December 11, 2009

Anthony Banks Using effective visuals

Welcome to Anthony Banks blog on using effective visuals. I hope that the information I will be providing you with below is helpful to you.

In my personal view point I feel that videos are the best visuals that can be used. The fact is they use both audio as well as video to tell the story. My personal favorite is the homemade videos without a script and are not rehearsed. This way the viewer can get a personal feel for whats going on. For example watch the youtube video above.

Another effective visual is pictures. the reason I feel pictures are so effective is because they can be comical while still getting their story across. They could also make you think, cry, smile, laugh, make you want to punch a hole in the wall, or allow you be really engaged in an experience.

Take the above picture for example. This is one of my favorite pictures. The reason being is because when I look at this picture I feel it's sends me a message. I feel as though time is melting away so make sure you don't waist it. A picture don't have to make sence or be understood; just experienced.

Using effective visuals is a great way for one to tell their story. This allows veiwers/listeners to use their imaginations and also experience what the picture is stating. Some more effective visuals are Toondoos and photostories. Most of all use your imagination for it's the best tool to improve the effectivness of your visual.

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