Thursday, November 19, 2009

Alexis B's How to Fire Someone

The reality TV world has scared every employee that they are going to hear those inevitable words, in the most uncompassionate way… “YOU’RE FIRED!”

However, this is not the correct way to fire an employee, or a better way to say it, let someone go. As an employer, you want to fire someone in as polite of a way as possible. This is for a couple of reasons. One, you do not want a terrible reputation as a ‘heartless’ boss and two; it is not an appropriate way to fire someone regardless of the reasoning behind it.

There are few steps you can take that are outlined in the video above to help you get through the process of ‘letting someone go’.

Prior to firing an employee, you should document all of the actions leading up to the dismissal. This will not only give you a complete list of all of the misconduct or mistakes that the employee has made, it will also allow you to give direct answers to the employee when asked why he/she is being let go.

It is courteous to fire the employee in the beginning of the week. This is because of a couple of reasons. One, this allows them to file for unemployment immediately, begin their job search, and not have to wait all weekend. Two, this way they aren’t sitting all weekend thinking about how much they despise you.

Make sure you fire them in person, and not through a e-mail or phone call. Be very direct, make it as short and simple as possible. It is not open for a debate. If you are not too direct, the person may say, “I can change” which can lead to a long drawn out conversation. It is not needed, you have already made your decision, so keep it brief! Also, let them know right away all of the questions they could possibly ask. If the reason of the termination is not because of bad performance, make sure you offer to be a reference for the employee when applying for other jobs. Why? Your documentation comes in here. When? Let them know when they need to have all of their stuff packed up and when they will receive their final pay.

As soon as you have delivered the bad news and addressed all other issues, ask the person to leave immediately after their affairs are settled. If the person seems extremely angry and might retaliate, consider an escort for them out of the building/office. Also, write down a detailed account of everything that happens in case your professionalism is called into question.

Entrepreneur. (2009) The Right Way to Fire Someone. Retrieved on November 16, 2009 from


  1. I liked it alot. especially with the reality tv show example. There are a couple of things I would reccomend. First, I would have mentioned the Tv reality shows name, I think its called the apprentice. Second, Im not sure what your reference is. It wasnt mentioned in the blog and at the end of your reference theres nothing after from.. You need to fill that in, other than that another great blog, keep up the good work!

  2. Hey Alexis I really like your blog. the video was funny and it got its point across. I would have to agree with jason on your reference, it wasn't able to find it in your blog. Other than that all around great blog. keep it up

  3. Alexis,

    I think you did a great job on this weeks blog. I like how you started it off with the apprentice reference. I also like how you incorporated the video into your actual blog and didn't just post up the video and not mention anything about it. The only thing I would suggest is that you mention your reference in your blog, but overall it was another great post.

  4. Alexis,

    This was a very well written blog. I like how the whole blog worked wel together and the information flowed throughout the writing. The only thing that I can see that may help improve your blog is makign sure to include the references for the information. Overall it was a very well written blog as usual, and I look forward to reading your next entry. Keep up the great work.

  5. Alexis,
    Great blog. I enjoyed the video, it compliments your paper well. Your blog definitive explains it well and I enjoyed the Donald Trump reference "YOUR FIRED." I feel that all the information is extremely important to anybody who is a business major like myself. My only suggestion is that you give a few examples of things you can say instead of simply "we have to let you go." Besides that awesome post. Keep it up!

  6. Another very good blog post! The video definitely did a good job of flowing with the blog. Only suggestion I would have would be a few other possible ways for employers to say "we have to let you go." I would imagine that having to fire someone is extremely difficult, but after reading your blog I have a few tips on how to do it!
