Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Anthony Banks memo

What is the basic element of a memo? Now that technology has improved and we have Email, Instant messaging, Text messaging, and other forms of communication one may wonder why is there a need for memos? Memos are used becaused they are a better choices for more detailed communication and correspondence in which formatting is important. Althought there is no perfect way to format a memo some ways will be more effective then others (Dobrin, et al).

When starting your memo you should always start off with the identifying information. This information should include to whom you are writing and who the memo is from. "The from" is the name of the person who is preparing the memo, follow by the subject which will give the reader the opportunity to skim and see if they should read the body of the memo. Lastly you should date the memo so the memo can be traced and the subject, issue,problem,or idea can filed.

Example of the identifying information:

There are diffrent types of memos. There are directive memos, progress or status memos,and response memos.

Directive memos: these memos provide information about policies or about tasks the readers should perform.
Progress or status memos: these memos supply information about the status of a project or assignment.
Response memos: provide the audiences with information they have requested,(Dobrin, et al).


  1. Hey Group i posted my blog to see if it would come out correct, It kind of did but not all the way, I just wanted to have something up. I email the professor to try and fix the problem.

  2. Anthony,

    Good job on your blog this week, I like how you included a Voki and a youtube video. I thought the video had some good pointers on how and when to write memos. The only thing I would fix would be the few grammatical errors that you made. Overall you did a great job on this weeks post.

  3. Great Post! I especially like how you found visuals that show an example of the memo and points out specific parts. It give a good idea of the overall format. I agree with Al that the only thing wrong are the few grammatical errors. Besides that, it looks great!

  4. Anthony,

    If you have any questions, ask in our blog section in angel. I thought this was a great blog on memos, very informative. I liked the youtube video and visuals in the blog, I cant really find any problems with the blog except a couple grammatical errors. Use Spell Check, its the abc button on the blog post page. Overall, Great blog and keep up the good work! Let's win the extra credit for the best blog team!
