Thursday, November 12, 2009

Anthony Banks Cover letter/ letter of application

When searching for a job it is important that you send a Cover letter with your resume. The cover letter addresses the specific job for which the applicant is applying for and emphasizes the most important qualities that should make you attractive to the employer. You should also use the cover letter to provide interesting, useful details about yourself. Take the three or four most important points of your resume and include them in your cover letter.(Dobrin, et al)

When writing your resume you should keep in mind that employers read thousands of resumes, and cover letter on a daily basis. The information that you include in your cover letter should be relevant and easy to find. So unnecessary information should be avoided.

Your cover letter should be one page. The only reason it should exceed onto a second page is if you have extensive expereience or if your employer request more information that can't fit on one page. Your cover letter should include an introductory paragraph which begins by identifying the specific job you are applying for, then there is the body paragraph this is where you futher detail your qualifications for the position, and then you end with the concluding paragraph which refers to the the documents included.

Example of a correct cover letter:

1355 FGCU Campus Housing
Fort Myers, FL 33463
(239) 826-2679

October 9, 2009

Mr. David Balza
Fort Myers, FL 33463

Dear Mr. Balza:

I am writing to apply for next year’s basketball camp as a camp Counselor at FGCU’s man basketball camp. I saw your job posting was advertised on the FGCU athletic webpage. I have worked at this camp last year, and also at other basketball camps. I am confident that my basketball experience will make me a great candidate for the position as a camp counselor.

I have played basketball at congress middle, santaluces high school, and now at FGCU. I have also been a participate in multiple basketball camps so I can connect with the kids on a level a lot of people may not be able to. Finally I have studied basketball in an acidemic setting and received an A in my basketball class. As such the information I tell the kids will be accurate.

Along with my basketball experience I have also been volunteers at after school camps working with under privileged kids. Because of my experience I’m really good with kids who might have low self-esteems. These experiences could serve me well as a camp counselor here at FGCU men’s basketball camp.

I have enclosed a copy of my resume with this letter, and I have also completed the student services form. I will be hear all year long and would appreciate an opportunity to discuss my qualifications in more detail. I will stay in contact with you about the position. Thank you for taking time to read this.


Anthony Banks

Encl: Resume

Works Cited:

Dobrin, Sidney I, Christopher J. Keller, and Christian R. Weisser. "finding and obtaining employment." Technical Communication in the Twenty-First Century (2nd Edition) (MyTechCommLab Series). Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall, 2009. 397-428. Print.


  1. Great posting! Cover letters can be very important because they can be one of the techniques employers use in separating qualified applicants from ones that are not. I also liked how you included an example of a cover letter so that readers have an accurate idea of what one looks like and how one is formatted. One suggestion I would like to make is on improving your grammar/spelling. There were a couple spots within your post that has minor errors. Otherwise, keep up the great work! I look forward to reading your next post!

  2. Anthony,

    I was looking forward to reading your blog about a cover letter/letter of application. I really liked how you incorporated not only a picture of a sample cover letter, but also gave an example of one in your blog. I agree with Alexis about there being a couple of grammatical errors within the blog. I was otherwise very well written. I can't wait to read your next blog. Keep up the good work!

  3. I believe you really out did yourself this time with posting a voki, youtube video,visuals and a sample cover letter. I worked very hard on my blog post and I cant compare to yours. I really like the effort and qaulity I am seeing, and I think you included many good points. I cant really find anything wrong with this blog except you didnt site the pages where you used information where you paraphrased. In addition, I dont think you summarized the video. Other than this Unbelievable, keep up the good work!

  4. Awesome posting this week. A youtube video and a voki, now thats effort! I think if would have been good if you included and example of a bad cover letter so we could compare and contrast between the two. Great job this week!

  5. Anthony,

    I think you did a great job by using various types of visuals and graphics throughout your post. You did have a few grammatical errors scattered throughout, but overall it was a very well written and informative post.

  6. Awesome job this week Anthony!! I could tell that you put alot of effort into the blog by including a voki, youtube video and even giving us an example of what a cover letter should look like. I saw a few grammatical errors, but overall you did a great job on your post. I also liked how you said in your cover letter towards the end..."thank you for taking time to read this" the person that reads the letter will be impressed by that because it shows that you value their time. Again, good job on the post. If you do end up applying for the counselor job i am sure you will get it!!!
