Monday, November 30, 2009

Alexis B's How to Resign From a Job

It is inevitable, at some point in your professional career you will most likely have a job that you will want to leave, quit and/or resign from. Whether it is for a better job opportunity, to move to a different location, or because you completely despise everything about that current position you will be put in the position to resign from your job.

The normal time for putting in your notice of resignation is two weeks. If you have already accepted a new job, you should correlate your resignation with your new start date. This will allow you to have a smooth transition from your old to new job.

You should give your resignation in person. According to Radin Associates, on a Friday you should ask your direct supervisor if you can speak with him privately. When you announce your intention to resign, you should also hand your supervisor a letter which states your last date of employment with the company.

Just like the process of firing an employee, when resigning you must stress that your decision is final. You should NOT say anything negative about the employer or company when resigning. There is always a possibility that word will get out to your new employer, or you change your mind and will want to return to your job. You need to be as professional as possible and leave a good final impression.

According to the you tube video above, whether or not you resign in person it should also be accompanied by a formal resignation letter. Keep the letter short and simple. Thank the employer, inform of resignation, and give a date.

Radin Associates. “The Proper Way to Resign.” Retrieved on November 30, 2009, from


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Another great Blog Alexis, I really like the fact you incorporated what most poeple know to what you should do. The only thing I would have done differently is in the first sentence, I would have said "life" instead of "professional career." I liked the way you included the youtube video, and a brief summary of it. Great job, Keep up the good work! 1 blog left!

  3. Alexis,

    I was extremely interested in your topic about resigning from your job. I thought the blog was very well written, as usual. I like how you incorporated different elements in the resigning process. This information was very informative and interesting. Besides what Jason said, I do not see anything wrong with your blog. You have done great so far, and I look forward to your last blog. Keep up the great work.

  4. Alexis,

    You did a great job on this weeks blog. I like how you broke down the process of resigning into a few simple steps. I also strongly agree that you should never say anything negative about the employer or company when resigning.Keep up the good work.

  5. Alexis,

    Good job on your 4th blog! It was interesting and very well written, I was unable to find any gramatical errors. (that should be of no surprise, yours never have any) Putting the video in their was a good idea, gives the reader added information on your topic. Also it was a good idea to put not in all capitals, to really make that point stand out to the reader! Overall, another great blog!
