Monday, November 30, 2009

Anthony 5 C's

When writing any kind of professional document one should always remember the 5 C’s. These include being clear, concise, complete, correct and courteous. You may think that the 5 C’s aren’t such a big deal but they may make the difference in whether or not you receive the job you are going for. The 5 C's are so important that they could turn a paper worthy of a C or B into an A paper. I have experienced this personally with my resume. I had it reviewed by my uncle who owns his own business and I asked him if he would hire me with my resume? The resume I gave him did not include the 5 C's. He said "no" so I went and received a little help. When I took it back to him this time the resume was complete, correct, clear, concise, and courteous. He said he would hire a person with a resume like my corrected one. My uncle didn't say this because we are related. I know this because it was the same resume I turned in and received a 48/50 in this class.

To give you a better understanding I have provided a brief definition below for each word.
• Clear: easily understood; without ambiguity: clear, concise answers.
• Concise: expressing or covering information in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in scope; succinct.
• Complete: finished; ended; concluded, containing all that is needed.
• Correct: to set or make true, accurate, or right; remove the errors or faults.
• Courteous: having or showing good manners; polite.

Notice the C+ grade in the left margin of the above paper. Had the writer of this essay made sure the 5 C's where included in their essay instead of receiving a C+ they might could have received an B or even an A.

The 5 C's are not just for writing, they can also be used in giving speeches. For example when preparing to give a speech a lot of speakers practice their speech multiple times. This is done to make sure the speech is clear so the listeners will know what's being said. It is also to make sure the speech does not just run on and instead is consice so the listener will not be bored. Hopefully it will even help engage the listening audience. This also helps the speaker make sure the speech is correct and free from all errors, the speech should also be courteous. A courteous speech is a speech that is respectful to ones audience. It is used to get the point across but to do so in a way where no one is being offended. When you have a courteous speech it creates a courteous audience and will help get ones point across. Lastly it helps the speaker make sure the speech is complete. A complete speech is one that utilizes the first four C's and that has the proper formate along with enough information.

Going back to a personal experience, my first year in college I was put into a public speaking class. My first speech in that class didn't go well. I thought, "how hard can it be to just talk?" After that first speech I was terrified of the fact that we still had to give five more speeches. On my second speech I tried something different. I first wrote out my speech and went over it twice a day for a week. When it was time for me to present I received a perfect score. The teacher of my public speaking class told me that I "delivered one of the best speakers in the class." This is proof that by applying the 5' C's you can really make a big difference in your work.

For a background on my toondoo please see the following movie

1 comment:

  1. Good Job Anthony! I agree, the 5 C's are very important and help 'make the grade'. Everything in your final blog looked good! My only suggestion would be that maybe you should limit your visuals to 2 or 3. But what you did have did not change the affect of your blog. Great final posting!
